Trusted by Top-tier product campanies

Tons of features at
the tip of your finger


5% commission


2.5% commision


1% commission

Appointment booking

Appointment modification

Group appointments

Waiting list

Custom appointment duratioon per customer

Finance overview


Start creating extraordinary things

Community Guidelines


Allows the user to track time on the go,

Automatic tracking

Automatically track the amount of time spent on different tasks


The app generates detailed reports.

Manage your team

Without the user having to manually start and stop a timer.

Task categorization

The app allows the user to categorize tasks into different projects

Automatic reports

These reports can be exported in a variety of formats

Welcome to the Lazee community! This is a safe space to offer and find the most appropriate products and services of any kind within the scope permitted by the applicable law.

It is and will remain, our sustainable endeavour to keep Lazee such space and to prevent any type of misconduct by the persons using the application. We consider this our joint effort. Therefore, we want everyone to be part of our community and have their voice heard.

We encourage your feedback and aim to respond to your comments as soon as possible. While we do moderate this community, we welcome open discussion.

Тo help everyone enjoy our community, we expect and ask that when you subscribe and/or make an account and/or if you make an inquiry and/or use the products and services offered, to keep in mind the following general rules and principles:

- We do not allow unlawful and illegal business operations and we do not tolerate any types of business malpractices and misconduct, irrespective thereof if these have caused any particular damage to other clients or businesses, or not.

- Any infringement, misuse or unauthorised use of copyright and/or trademarks is prohibited.

- We value sound competition and consumer protection. Any prohibited antitrust practices and/or infringement of protected consumer rights will be reported to the competent authorities immediately.

- We are trying to combat and prevent any form and practices of money laundering and terrorism financing.We do not allow the posting and publishing of sexual, pornographic or inappropriate content (irrespective if in the form of visualization, text or conclusively).

- We do not allow defamatory, indecent, offensive, profane, discriminatory, misleading, unlawful or threatening behaviour.

- We do not tolerate misuse of rights and/or use of the available options with the sole purpose of harming a customer and/or a client.

- Lazee is not intended for use by persons under 18 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 can use Lazee under the guidance of their parents and/or legal representatives. Violating this limitation would result in restricting and/or suspending the respective account and may lead to further sanctions for the offenders and their representatives.

- Respect that other people in the community have had different life experiences and may have a different perspective to yours. We welcome different viewpoints.

- Personal attacks, speech of hate, sexual harassment, name-calling, trolling and abuse will not be tolerated and can result in immediate restriction or suspension of your account.

- Spamming, posting promotional material or posting links to third-party websites is not permitted.
- Coordinated group attacks will not be tolerated.

- Our community is a public place. Do not post personal information that you would not be comfortable sharing with a stranger. We recommend that you do not post in the public area of Lazee any information that may identify you or anyone else, such as your address, email address or phone number.

- Employees participating in the discussion in our community are reminded of the staff’s social media guidelines.

- We reserve the right to restrict and/or suspend accounts and/or to delete comments at our sole and independent discretion. We reserve the right to remove content that is fraudulent, deceptive or misleading or that otherwise contradicts these Guidelines or the remaining documents setting the legal framework for the permitted use of Lazee.

- We encourage whistleblowing and proactive reporting about any suspected or identified infringements of these Community Guidelines.

The above rules and principles apply to the activity of each and all types of customers and clients using Lazee in any manner. As Lazee will develop so will the Community Guidelines. We are committed to being as flexible as possible to satisfy the variety of our community’s expectations within the limits permitted by the law. You can discover more about our products and services on our website at If you have any questions or need to report a case that violates our community guidelines, contact us at Enjoy your stay at Lazee!