Trusted by Top-tier product campanies

Tons of features at
the tip of your finger


5% commission


2.5% commision


1% commission

Appointment booking

Appointment modification

Group appointments

Waiting list

Custom appointment duratioon per customer

Finance overview


Start creating extraordinary things

General Terms and Conditions for Applicants and Customers


Allows the user to track time on the go,

Automatic tracking

Automatically track the amount of time spent on different tasks


The app generates detailed reports.

Manage your team

Without the user having to manually start and stop a timer.

Task categorization

The app allows the user to categorize tasks into different projects

Automatic reports

These reports can be exported in a variety of formats



We / Us or Lazee – a platform operated by Lazee Technologies Ltd., a limited liability company incorporated under Bulgarian law with EIK 207208582. The platform will be available online at and can be downloaded as an application.
– legal entities and/or individuals that have applied for registration (opening an account) with Lazee, but whose registration is not completed yet.
Clients – legal entities and/or individuals that have undergone successful registration on Lazee and provide services to the public through Lazee.
Customers – legal entities and/or individuals that access Lazee (whether registered or not) to use the services provided by the Clients.
Services – intangible goods that are produced and consumed simultaneously. Services include various activities, procedures, treatments or similar provided by the Clients to the Customers or third parties nominated by the Customers. Some of the Services may also include the provision of tangible goods.
Booking – is making an appointment through Lazee by either Customer or Client, for the use of Services.
Site – is the website with the address
Lazee Contents – that part of the information on the Site and in the app that is posted and controlled by Lazee.
Client Contents – that part of the information of the Site is posted and controlled by the
Client.Stripe – a payment services provider dba that is approved by Lazee to act as an acquirer on behalf of the Clients for receiving card payments made by the Customers.

Use of Software

The software, the Site, and the Lazee Content are protected worldwide by copyright laws. Subject to these Terms and Conditions, Lazee grants the Clients a limited license to reproduce portions of Lazee Content solely as required to use the Lazee website and application for the Client’s personal or internal business purposes. Unless otherwise specified by Lazee in a separate license, your right to use any Lazee Content is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Use of the Lazee software is governed by these Terms and Conditions. Lazee delivers the Software via download (if you use the app) and Lazee will not provide you with any tangible copy of the Software. Subject to your compliance with the Terms and Conditions, Lazee grants you a non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, and non-exclusive license to use the Software on device(s) you own or control solely for your personal or internal business purposes. Because the Software is locally installed, you are responsible for the security of the device on which it is installed, including ensuring that you keep anti-virus software current and otherwise protect the device on which the Software is installed against malware. Lazee is not responsible for any loss or damages – including loss of funds or lockout from accounts accessed via the Software – resulting from your failure to keep the device on which the Software is installed safe and free of any malware. Lazee cannot recover passwords or unlock account information stored on the Software in any circumstances, including if the Software is compromised by malware on your device(s), and it is your sole responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to secure and backup your copy of the Software and the information stored on it.

Updates. The app software and Lazee Contents are evolving and you may be required to accept or install updates to the app software or Lazee Contents or update third-party software (i.e., browsers or OS) to keep using Lazee or Lazee Contents or access their latest features, including security updates. We may update the app software and Lazee Contents at any time, without providing notice.

By accessing Lazee, you agree not to:
a) frame or enclose any trademark, logo, or other Lazee Content, (including images, text, page layout or form);

b) use any metatags or other “hidden text” using Lazee’s name or trademarks;access the Lazee platform, app or software to build a similar or competitive site, services, or software;

c) copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download, display, post or transmit any Lazee Content except as expressly permitted herein;

d) remove or destroy any copyright notices or other proprietary markings contained on Lazee or in Lazee Content.

Registration of Customers and Use of Lazee by Customers

Lazee is available for use by Customers in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law.
To access the Lazee Content and to use the App, a Customer shall have a device that is compatible with the Lazee Software.

Customers may use the Services provided by Clients of Lazee with or without registration on Lazee. However, in some cases, registered Customers may enjoy discounts, benefits and priority over non-registered Customers. Non-registered Customers shall not have any legal claim for the use of such discounts, benefits and priority, nor will they have any legal claim for compensation of any kind in this regard.

Upon registration on Lazee via email or social media account, the Applicant shall provide certain personal data and information, which will be processed in accordance with the applicable law and the Privacy Policy and accompanying documents, that are inseparable part of these General Terms and Conditions.

Upon completion of the online registration form, the applicant will receive an email with an activation link, whose validity is limited in time. If the Customer fails to activate the account within the validity period of the activation link, the data entered for the purpose of registration on Lazee will be automatically deleted. If the Customer activates the link within the validity period, the Customer’s account becomes active, and the App can be used.

Lazee will automatically initiate a registration with Stripe on behalf of the Applicant. Applicant’s consent therefor and Applicant’s authorisation to Lazee to initiate the registration of the Applicant with Stripe is deemed given with the submission of the application form (i.e. with accepting these Terms and Conditions). If a formal authorisation is required, the Customer shall grant this auhtorisation without unnecessary delay.

The App mandatorily requires confirmation of a real phone number of the Customer. The phone number’s validity shall be checked via text message. The Customer represents and warrants that for the purposes of its registration on Lazee the Customer will use only its own phone number and will not misuse phone numbers of third parties. Any breach of this obligation might result in fines and sanctions to the respective Customer. Once the account is created and activated, the Customer can edit and amend its personal data.

Each Customer shall bear responsibility for the correctness of the given data at any moment it uses Lazee.The Customers are advised that any misuse of personal data of third parties and or infringement of any copyright or trademarks is strongly prohibited by Lazee. Any breach of this obligation might result in fines and sanctions to the respective Customer.The Lazee account of the Customer can be accessed by entering a username and a password or via social media account. The Customer is under the obligation to keep its access data (username and password) confidential and not to disclose them to any third party. Upon any suspicion that the access data has been compromised, the Customer shall immediately inform Lazee at and shall undertake all feasible measures so that the Customer’s account remains protected from any unauthorised use by a third person. Each Customer is entitled to one Lazee account only. If Lazee discovers that a Customer uses more than one account, Lazee may terminate all accounts of such Customer without giving prior notice to that effect. All pending Bookings made through any of the multiple accounts will be cancelled and the Customer will be not entitled to any reimbursement for such Bookings.

Customers are advised that Lazee is an interface predominantly for connecting Customers and Clients. Therefore, Customers shall refrain from posting Customer’s Content that is not directly connected to the Services used, to Client that provides that Services and/or to the experience of the Customer from specific Client. Customers are responsible for the Customer’s Content and shall observe high ethical and moral standards for their postings on Lazee. No offensive, aggressive, abusive, insulting, unethical, discriminative or other type of inappropriate language is allowed to be used in the Customer’s Content. Lazee reserves the right to monitor Customer’s Content and at its sole and independent discretion to determine if there is a breach of these requirements. If so, Lazee is entitled to impose sanctions or restrictions on the Customer, including deletion of parts of the Customer’s Content without the Customer’s consent or even to delete accounts of Customers, not observing the afore-mentioned requirements. All pending Bookings made through the affected account will be cancelled and the Customer will be not entitled to any reimbursement for such Bookings. In such cases, Customers are not entitled to any form of compensation for deleting their account and/or for losing their Bookings.  

Customers are allowed to comment only on Services that they have used in person. It is not allowed to post statements based on hearsay sources of information only.

Customers are not allowed to post statements with the sole purpose of harming a Client and/or a Client’s business.


Customers are advised and encouraged to use Lazee Bookings system only, even if the Client operates their own Booking system.

Customers that are not registered on Lazee are informed by accepting these General Terms and Conditions that Bookings made through Lazee Booking system will always prevail and have priority over the Bookings made directly with the Booking system of a Client. Customers will not have any claim form compensation and/or refund if their Booking with the Client’s Booking system is cancelled as a result of a conflict with a Booking made through the Lazee Booking system.

Lazee Booking system allows Customers to make Bookings via Lazee, but also Clients to make Bookings on behalf of Customers using Lazee.If a Customer makes a Booking with a certain Client, the Client will receive an electronic notification about the Booking. In such case, the Booking is deemed automatically accepted and confirmed by the Client to the respective Customer and Lazee.

If a Client makes a Booking on behalf of a Customer (a) the Customers registered on Lazee will get a notification to confirm the appointment and to choose the payment type; and (b) the Customers that are not registered on Lazee will receive either an email or an SMS (this will be only available if the Client has subscribed and has paid the monthly subscription to allow cash payments).

Once the Booking is made, both the Customers and the Clients can make up to 1 (one) modification to the Booking (changing the service type, date or time, or staff). The Customers shall make endeavours to make use of this right on an exceptional basis only. If a Customer systematically modifies and amends confirmed Bookings (i.e. more than 3 (three) times monthly with the same Client or 5 (five) times monthly with any Clients), Lazee will be entitled to restrict the Customer’s account or even ban the Customer from using Lazee.

Cancellation of a Booking is generally allowed to Customers and is not associated with payment of any fees if done at least 24 hours before the Booking. In such case, the Customer is entitled to a full refund of the already paid price for the respective Booking. If a cancellation is made less than 24 hours before the Booking, the Customer is not entitled to a refund unless the Client consents to this. In such case, if the Client has given its consent to refund the Client, Lazee will still be entitled to collect and withhold the whole amount of the fee associated with the respective Booking.

Clients are allowed to cancel a Booking only in case a Force Majeure occurs on their side. In such case, Client shall first make a feasible effort to offer the Customer an alternative and equivalent replacement and only if this is impossible or if the Customer rejects the alternative offer, Client shall cancel the Booking and immediately provide a full refund to the Customer. In such case, Lazee will still be entitled to collect and withhold the whole amount of the fee associated with the respective Booking.

Method of Payment

Customers who have their own Lazee accounts may choose between card and cash payments for the Services they intend to use. The card details may be saved at the discretion of the Customer with the third-party payment provider, Stripe, for future payments according to the Stripe’s Terms and Conditions. Lazee will not have an access to the Customer’s full payment details at any given time. Non-registered Customers that make Bookings via Lazee may only make cash payments on the premises of the Client or pay by card via the POS terminal of the Client. Customers are obliged to use only their own credit or debit cards for making payments to a Client. If Lazee establishes that a Customers is using a payment card that does not belong to this Customer, Lazee may at its sole and independent discretion restrict the Customer’s account or even delete it without serving prior notice to the Customer. Customers are encouraged to make a chargeback only if there are solid and feasible legal grounds for such legal action against a Client. If a Customer misuses its chargeback right(s) under the respective card scheme and/or systematically makes chargeback requests that are decided in favour of the Client, Lazee may at its sole and independent discretion restrict the Customer’s account or even delete it without serving prior notice to the Customer.Lazee advises Customers to check the card scheme rules and regulations and the General Terms and Conditions of their issuing banks to prevent any inconvenience when placing Bookings and/or making payment orders through Lazee.

Method of Payment. Fees and Taxes

Customers who have their own Lazee accounts may choose between card and cash payments for the Services they intend to use. The card details may be saved at the discretion of the Customer with the third-party payment provider, Stripe, for future payments according to the Stripe’s Terms and Conditions. Lazee will not have an access to the Customer’s full payment details at any given time.

Non-registered Customers that make Bookings via Lazee may only make cash payments on the premises of the Client or pay by card via the POS terminal of the Client.

Customers are obliged to use only their own credit or debit cards for making payments to a Client. If Lazee establishes that a Customers is using a payment card that does not belong to this Customer, Lazee may at its sole and independent discretion restrict the Customer’s account or even delete it without serving prior notice to the Customer.

Customers are encouraged to make a chargeback only if there are solid and feasible legal grounds for such legal action against a Client. If a Customer misuses its chargeback right(s) under the respective card scheme and/or systematically makes chargeback requests that are decided in favour of the Client, Lazee may at its sole and independent discretion restrict the Customer’s account or even delete it without serving prior notice to the Customer.

Lazee advises Customers to check the card scheme rules and regulations and the General Terms and Conditions of their issuing banks to prevent any inconvenience when placing Bookings and/or making payment orders through Lazee.

Limitation of Liability

In no event will Lazee be liable for any lost profits, revenue or data, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or damages or costs due to loss of production or use, business interruption, or procurement of substitute services arising out of or in connection with the operation of Lazee and Lazee’s platform and/or app, whether or not Lazee has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and regardless of the theory of liability asserted.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is understood and agreed that Lazee only provides an interface where Clients’ offers can meet Customers’ demands. Therefore, Lazee is not responsible and liable in any way for the fulfilment of Customers’ obligations and/or for any misconduct by Customers. There is no tripartite relation whatsoever arising out of the use of Lazee App by both, Clients and Customers.

Cap of the liability: Under no circumstances will Lazee be liable to Customers for damages arising out of the use of Lazee platform and/or app, or Services exceeding 1 000 BGN (One Thousand Bulgarian Leva).

Dispute Resolution and Applicable Law

In case of a dispute or disagreement about the meaning, purpose and/or implementation of any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and/or in case of a dispute or disagreement about any aspect of the relations between Customers and Lazee:

Customer shall first send their claim to the Support Department of Lazee (mail:; subject line: Notification of Possible Dispute) alongside (a) a detailed description and explanation of the factual background, (b) the essence of the claim and (c) supporting documents and evidence; and

Lazee shall first send their claim to the contact e-mail (subject line: Notification of Possible Dispute) of the Customer alongside (a) a detailed description and explanation of the factual background, (b) the essence of the claim and (c) supporting documents and evidence.

Once a party receives an email alerting about a possible dispute, it shall review the provided documents and inform the claiming party within a reasonable time (not to exceed 10 (ten) working days as to whether the claim is accepted whether fully or partially or rejected whether fully or partially.

If the claiming party is dissatisfied with the response, it shall bring the dispute for resolution to the Mediation Committee. The Mediation Committee is an independent resolution body consisting of lawyers nominated as mediators to assist in resolving disputes between Lazee and Customers.

With accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the Mediation Committee is deemed entrusted by Lazee and Customers to assist in resolving each and all disputes between them in connection with the use and/or the operation of Lazee and/or with the application of these General Terms and Conditions and/or with filling gaps in these General Terms and Conditions and/or any other dispute between Lazee and a Customer with regard to the afore-mentioned.

The costs for the Mediation procedure shall be borne by the claimant and defendant as set forth in the Procedural Rules.

If a Party files a court or administrative claim trying to bypass the Mediation clause above, this Party shall pay to the other Party liquidated damages amounting to 50 000 BGN ( Fifty Thousand Bulgarian Leva), irrespective of the outcome of such court claim.  

In any case, Bulgarian law shall apply and govern the relations between Customers and Lazee.


Lazee reserves its right to unilaterally amend, alter, supplement and modify these General Terms and Conditions and the attachments thereto. Upon each such amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification, Lazee will publish these at the following address: It also is available in the app under the Terms and Conditions section. Each amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification will enter into force and will become binding upon the Customers at 00:00 of the day following the day of publishing.

The Customers shall perform regular checks about any amendments to these General Terms and Conditions and the attachments thereto. Irrespective if they do so, or not, with the publication they will be deemed informed about the respective amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification.

If the Customer continues using Lazee after an amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification, this will mean that the Customer irrevocably agrees with the amended, altered, supplemented or modified General Terms and Conditions. If the Customer disagrees with an amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification, the Customer shall immediately cease using Lazee and immediately inform Lazee about its disagreement.

In any case, ceasing the use of Lazee irrespective of the reasons therefore, does not release the Customer to use all Services with valid Bookings as of the date of the termination of the contractual relations between Lazee and Customer. For the avoidance of doubt, it is understood that an amendment, alteration, supplementation and/or modification cannot be deemed a force majeure event releasing the Customer from its responsibilities towards Clients.


These Terms and Conditions, and Customer’s rights and obligations hereunder, may not be assigned, subcontracted, delegated or otherwise transferred by you without Lazee’s prior written consent.

None of the parties will be liable for any delay or failure to perform resulting from causes outside its reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, war, terrorism, riots, embargos, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, strikes or shortages of transportation facilities, fuel, energy, labour or materials (Force Majeure).

Where Lazee requires that Customer shall provide an e-mail address, Customer is responsible for providing Lazee with its most current e-mail address. If the last e-mail address provided to Lazee is not valid, or for any reason is not capable of delivering to you any notices required/ permitted by these General Terms and Conditions, Lazee’s dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice. You may give notice to Lazee at the following address:

Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of the General Terms and Conditions on one occasion will not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or such provision on any other occasion.

If any portion of these General Terms and Conditions is held invalid or unenforceable, that portion will be construed in a manner to reflect, as nearly as possible, the original intention of the parties, and the remaining portions will remain in full force and effect.

The following documents represent an inseparable part of these General Terms and Conditions:
(a)Lazee Privacy Policy;
(b)Lazee Cookie Policy;
(c)Lazee Community Guidelines;
(d)Third parties’ General Terms and Conditions to the extent as explicitly advised and referred to hereinabove.

These General Terms and Conditions and their attachments are the final, complete and exclusive agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede and merge all prior discussions between the parties with respect to such subject matter.